bumble bumble
I've been bumbling through dev on this for a couple of weeks. Its gone through a few different version as its run parallel to some PhD research which is basically sum-upable as "what is the difference for a player between getting a reading through something like tarot, and playing an adventure game where there are forked paths to the narrative. In this game, I used a deck of 10 narrative prompts I wrote in autumn 2017 when coming off antidepressants and having all these very bodily sensations which triggered some memories which i had not accessed since the other side of the medicated period of my life.
I've done a lot of things before which use basic divination methods to write narratives for performances, from using card reading systems, to whole home made decks, to diagram interpretation, to cut-ups, and so on. While making this game, I started by making that reading live using the Tarokka deck from D&D (because i thought it would be funny, and my Rider-Waite deck is in my studio and im working at home), doing a draw while making the game and having the characters explain the cards dealt and what they meant and how this was being done in real time while i drew the rooms and planned the next room.
I worried though, that this was essentially like a "canned reading", because to really do something with those readings, to generate a meaningful character/plot based on the draw was going to either be walls of text (which i dont think Bitsy suits with its tiny speech boxes) or a lot more drawing and exploding the coding side than I have time or energy for at the moment.
So I next considered using one-way exits and a forking path system which are common to adventure/visual novel games with real choices, and have this function as a "reading" for the playing (if i requested they play the game only once rather than repeated times{a real risk, lol}).
I went out to walk my dog at this point, and realized that instead of the "canned reading", or the "robotic reading" of the forking paths you only play once, I would do this once, and do it not just as the card reading but as The-Thing-The-Card-REading-Leads-To which is the story. So I pulled out the 10 card deck I made last year, re-wrote the intro , and then drew three of those cards in turn write the narrative for the 3 doors at the core of the story. The epilogue is entirely devised by the Tarokka Deck, but the actual cards drawn and how I read them, and even the system i used to make the draw are no longer included in the game itself. FYI, its the system from Everway, though I have packed away the cards now so can't tell you exactly what they were to make that reading.
I'm going to be thinking about this process for a while i think. I'm doing a 6 min seminar presentation tomorrow at a university on divination, diagrams, and TRPG mechanics as ways of not just generating forking narratives, but as ways of creating a context in which the audience gets comfortable with things being uncertain, unreliable, and incomplete. I think it comes down to experiencing something, and being aware that you have not experienced *all* of its outcomes, and your speculation on these potential other outcomes becomes part of the experience, rather than something which is neatly wound up and resolved.
Uma Breakdown's Big Bandwidth Mood
Its a story about when you stop taking drugs and then you have to remember all the other drugs you took.
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